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Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good though I’m a little sleep-deprived. Mind: Good. So clear. How was your day today? What I did Took an English lesson in the morning. Read MINDSET till p.188/350. Solved these LeetCode problem below. 217. Contains Duplicate Feelings I feel like I got stronger mind than before. If some problems occurred, I’d be less emotional and deal with them more logically.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good. Mind: Good. How was your day today? What I did Read MINDSET till p.179/350. Solved the LeetCode problem below. 346. Moving Average from Data Stream Feelings Achieving results precedes getting along together.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good though I got so many mosquito bites while I was reading a book in a park. Mind: Good. How was your day today? What I did Read MINDSET till p.160/350. Solved these LeetCode problem below. 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 408. Valid Word Abbreviation (It’s ranked at the Easy level but it was so difficult for me) Feelings I can forget all of other trivial things while I’m immersed in the things I should do.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good. Mind: Not so good. How was your day today? What I did Worked. Had meetings which took totally 5 hours. Solved the LeetCode problem below. 680. Valid Palindrome II Feelings Sometimes I’m still frastrated while communicating with other people. I cannot practice the Separation of Tasks advocated by Alfred Adler. Emotion is volatile, at least for me. I’d Better sleep deeply and forget.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: OK. Sometimes sneeze but I don’t know why. Mind: So good. How was your day today? What I did Read MINDSET till p.129/350. Got an balance certificate in English for my bank account. Feelings It’s difficult for me to get an agreement with other people. Having a solid opinion, listening to others’ ones, having some conversations and coming to a conclusion. It’s too tough bacause I’m not so good at reading other people’s feelings.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good. Mind: OK. How was your day today? What I did Took an English lesson online in the morning. Solved the LeetCode problem below. Longest Common Prefix Read MINDSET till p.104/350. (Only 1 page progress!) Gonna have dinner with my former colleagues. Feelings Nowadays I’ve come to think that basically in any case I should set my priority about anything upper than the other’s.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Good. Had a good sleep. Mind: Good. How was your day today? What I did Went for a walk at 6 a.m. Update this blog’s Google Analytics version 3 to 4. Bought my girlfriend’s birthday present in Omote Sando. Read MINDSET till p.103/350. Feelings I feel like I should be more independent from some viewpoints. For example, mentally from the other people.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Not so good. I have a headache. Mind: Good. How was your day today? What I did Read MINDSET till p.60/350. Made My LeetCode account premium one. Solved 2 LeetCode problems below that are ranked at the Easy level. Palindrome Number Roman to Integer Reviewed these data structure and algorithm below. hash table quick sort Feelings Shinzo Abe, Japanese previous prime minister, was shot and died today.

Daily Update

How about your state of health? Body: Not bad. Mind: Not bad. How was your day today? Ordered MINDSET via Amazon. Logged in to LeetCode for the first time in a year. Confirmed frequency’s pronounciation. It’s not frékwənsi but fríːkwənsi.


タイトルが思いつかなかったので日付のまま。 最近、自分はこのままでいいのか、いやよくないだろうとか、そういうことを漠然と考えて不安になったりしている。 こういう感情はたまにやってきて、何かしなければならないと思い、奮起して何かやったりする。 例えば日常を変えるために体力をつけよう、ということでランニングを始めたりとか、プログラミングの力をつけよう、と思って AtCoder を始めたりとか。 でもいつの間にかやめてしまい、これまでの日常に戻っている。 現状に何かしら不満足で、何か変えようと思って、何か始めるけれども、そのうちやめてしまう。そういうことを何度も繰り返しながら30歳まできた。 昔はそういう自分を責めていたが、今となってはあまり罪悪感なく生活している。 ただ今は、以前とは多少変わったことがあって、 現状に何かしら不満足で、何か変えようと思って、何か始めるけれども、そのうちやめてしまう。 昔はこういうことを言語化できなかった。言語化する自分が嫌だった。 自分が怠惰な面を持っていることを認められず、いやできるはずだ、何故できないのだ、という根性論で自分をなんとかしようとしていた気がする。 そもそも言語化が苦手だ。 現象であったり、人の気持ちであったり、そういったものごとは、それそのものとして世の中に存在していて、言葉はそれをパッケージングする。 そのパッケージングに対して後ろめたさを感じる。それそのものの良さが一部削ぎ落とされてしまう気がする。それなら言葉にしなくて良い、と感じてしまう。 コミュニケーションというものは必要に応じて発生するものだと思う。 いくところまでいくと、誰にも伝えず、誰にも伝えられず、一人引きこもっていればいい、ということになる。 でも今はそういう考えではない。 自分の考えていることをなんとかして人に伝えて、互いにコミュニケーションすることで、自分の考えが変化したりして楽しい。